Dr. Karthikeyan K

B.S. (Horticulture), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (1986-1990)
M.S. (Agrl. Entomology), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (1991-1992)- Pests of Neem, Azadirachta indica (A.Juss) and their Management (Project Work)
Ph.D. (Agrl. Entomology), Kerala Agricultural University, College of Horticulture, Trichur,Kerala (2003-2007)- Bioecology, Population dynamics and Integrated Management of Rice bluebeetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera) (Project Work)
Senior Project Research Assistant (1993-1995)- M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation,Chennai, Tamil Nadu – Responsible for developing cost effective plant based products on key pestsof vegetables, Collection and formulation of eco-friendly insecticides based on Indian TraditionalKnowledge against Agricultural and Horticultural crops.
Development Officer (South) (1996-1997)- Wockhardt India Ltd, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu -Testing and evaluation of commercially available Bt insecticidal formulations against Lepidopteronpests in farmers field of Agricultural and Horticultural crops, Demonstration and Product briefing ofcompany’s own Bt formulation to product developers, Conducting farmers gathering and meetings for the technical briefing of Bt formulation.
Executive (Bio-Products) (1998-1999, March)- Green Country Agro-services, Chennai, TamilNadu- Streamlined effective eco-friendly insecticides in farmers field for the management of pests inAgricultural and Horticultural crop, Collection of data’s of the efficacy of different eco-friendlyinsecticides, Developing data base on the efficacy of different eco-friendly insecticides for the benefitof farming and scientific community.
Professor (Entomology) (1999, April- Till date) Regional Agricultural ResearchStation Kerala Agricultural University, Pattambi, Kerala - Developed IPM modules for themanagement of rice stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker), leaf folder (Cnaphalocrocismedinalis Guenee) and blue beetle (Leptispa pygmaea Baly), Developing a multiple managementstrategy for managing a complex of different species of stem borer and leaf folder and IPM modulesfor management of different rice pest as the principal investigator in Entomology programme of AllIndia Rice Co-ordinated Programme both under wet land and SRI system, Screening resistant rice germplasm as a long prolonged strategy for tackling major rice pests, Specialized in Isolation and identification of biologically active insect compounds using GC-EAG, Wind tunnel, olfactometer and SPME. Large scale testing of compounds / new insecticide molecules both under net house and field conditions, Large scale demonstration of management of stem borer by pheromone male confusion technique and pheromone traps, Committed farmers, students and State Department Officials training on IPM in vegetables, plantations and horticultural crops.
Research - 75%
Extension - 15%
Teaching- 10%
- Identified a new mealy bug Species, Pseudococcus gilbertensis (Beardsley) in Indian subcontinent and made recorded a looper, Hypomexis infixaria, slug, Apendala cana , thrips, Thrips flavus, mite, Tetranychus sp. infesting first time on neem (as per personal communication by Indian institute of Entomology) London in M.Sc Programme.
- First to identify and synthesise pheromone compounds for rice caseworm, Paraponyx stagnalis Zeller in India
Professional Societies Memberships:
Life Member of Association of Rice Research Workers –CRRI (Orissa)
Life Member of Society for Biological Control Advancement –Bangalore (Karnataka)
Life Member of Plant Protection Association of India- Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Dr.P.R.Mehta award from Pesticides Association of India, New Delhi (1992)
Memento and Certificate of appreciation from chief minister, Government of Kerala forsecuring external aided project for the Kerala Agricultural University (2000-2004)
Received fellow of the Indian Plant protection Association of India in the year 2016
Received best plant protection centre award from Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad for conduction trials efficiently for the year 2016
Programme of Interest:
My interest of work is to study and develop an IPM strategy for economically important pests ofnational or of international importance. Focus research on managing pests utilizing bioactiveprinciples of plant origin. Screening for resistant cultivars also one of the thrust areas of my research work. IPM research with emphasis of biological control, trap crop, chemical ecology (pheromones), Isolation of novel molecules (plant origin) with insect bioassay will be of myinterest I wish to work upon. Documentation and publication in scientific journals of newfindings is of one my mandate of future programmers’. The scientific findings on themanagement of economic important pests should be properly disseminated through extension
- BIONOMICS AND INTEGERATED MANAGEMENT OF RICE BLUE BEETLE , Leptispa pygmaea , ( Chrysomelidae : Coleoptera)- as P.I.3.49 lakhs-2003-2007
- RKVY Project on ‘Validation of SRI for higher productivity in Palakkad region’-52.70 lakhs -2009-2015
- Onfarm refinement of integrated pest management tiral-Government of Kerala-3.50lakhs-2012-2014
- RKVY proiect on ‘Developing alternatives for banned pesticides for the management of major pests and diseases of Kerala’-25 lakhs-2013-2016
- DARE/ICAR special grant of 100 crores project ‘Development of Pheromones for major pests of rice’-78 lakhs-2013-2014
Number of Publication: Research –Fourty two, Book Chapter:1
- 1993 Karthikeyan.K Rangarajan , A.V. and Veluswamy, R. Major pests of Neem and their management in Southern Tamilnadu. Paper published in World Neem Conference held at Bangalore .
- 2003 Purushothaman, S.M., Anitha S., Sreenivasan, E. and Karthikeyan .K. Biological suppression of root rot of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata ) by soil borne antagonistic microorganism and organic amendments . Paper presented in 6 th International workshop on ‘Plant growth promoting Rhizobacter ‘ held from Feb5-10 ,Indian institute of spices Research , Calicut , p 303-308
- 2004 Karthikeyan,K., Sosamma Jacob and Purushothaman, S.M. Screening rice entries against yellow stemborer and whorlmaggot. Paper presented in International symposium on Rice : From Green revolution to gene revolution held from Oct.4-6 ,Directorate of rice research, Hyderabad, p 463
- 2004 Karthikeyan,K., Sosamma Jacob and Purushothaman, S.M. Efficacy of new insecticides against major rice pests. Paper presented in International symposium on Rice : From Green revolution to gene revolution held from Oct.4-6 , Directorate of rice research, Hyderabad, p 447-448
- 2006 Karthikeyan,K., Sosamma Jacob Purushothaman, S.M and Asok V. Biological efficacy of plant extracts and chemical insecticides against blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly. Paper presented in 2nd International Rice Congress held from Oct.9-13 ,National Academy of Agricultural Sciences , New Delhi, p 447-448
- 2009 Karthikeyan,K and Sosamma Jacob. Pseudomonas flourescens and Heterorhabditis indica Poinar for the management of major pests of rice . Paper Presented in the 2nd Biopesticide International Conference held at St. Xavier College Palayamkottai from Nov’26-28’,2009.P-41
- 2011 Karthikeyan,K and Sosamma Jacob. Morphometrics and morphology of rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea baly (Coeoptera: Chrysomelidae) Paper ‘ Presented in the 3rd Biopesticide International Conference held at St. Xavier College Palayamkottai from Nov’28-30’,2011.P-152
- 2012 Karthikeyan,K., Smitha, S.G and Ajish, P.G. Onfarm testing of IPM technology against major pests‘ Presented in the Proceedings of International Symposium on 100 years of Rice Science and Looking Beyond’ held at TNAU, Coimabtore from Jan. 9-12, 2012.P-328
- 2010 Karthikeyan.K and Sosamma Jacob S.M. Biological efficiency of Beauveria bassiana against rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). International Research Journal of Plant Science 1 (2): 26-33.
- 2016 Santhosh, S and Karthikeyan, K. A new species Tetrastichus Haliday (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) Parasitizing rice caseworm ,Paraponyx stagnalis Zeller (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from India. Oriental Insects 51 (2) : 160-165
- 2019 K.Karthikeyan. Efficacy of new insecticide molecules against yellow stem borer and leaf folder in rice Journal of Rice rese0rach.,12(1):52-55
- 2018 Karthikeyan.K, Prasad,A.R., Jyothi, K.N., Prasuna,A.L and Narayanankutty,M.C. Sex pheromone blends for rice caseworm, Paraponyx stagnalis Zeller . Indian Journal of Entomology 81(1):1-4
- 2017 Karthikeyan.K,Prasad.,A.R.,Jyothi.,K.N.,Prasuna.,A.LandNarayanankutty,M.C. Sex pheromones - common cue for two lepidopteran pests in rice. Journal of entomological Research 41(4): 395-398
- 2015 Karthikeyan.K. Compatibility studies of Insecticide and Fungicide molecules against major pests and Sheathblight in rice. Journal of rice research, 8(1):71-75
- 2014 Karthikeyan.K, Poorani.J and Naryanankutty.M.C. New record of Apsilops scotinus (Tosquinet) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) from India Entomon 39(1): 63-66
- 2014 Karthikeyan.K and Christy, M.M. Efficacy of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 EC against major pests of rice. Indian Journal of Plant Protection .40 (4):276-279
- 2013 Rosemary francis., Joseph.J., Zachariah,G., Leenakumary,S.,Raji,P., Karthikeyan,K and Sudharshana, Rao. PTB 59-‘Samyuktha’ a high yielding rice variety for kootumundakan system of cultivation in Kerala. Journal of tropical Agriculture 51 (1-2):66-73
- 2013 Purushothaman, S.M., Ambili S.Nair., Renjan, B and Karthikeyan, K. Bioefficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis against Maruca vitrata (Geyer) on Cow pea. Journal of Biolological Control 27 (3) : 214-216
- 2012 Karthikeyan,K, Purushothaman, S.M., Smitha, S.G and Ajish, P.G. Efficacy of new insecticide combination against major pests of Paddy. IndianJournal ofPlantProtection 40 (4):276-279
- 2012 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Morphometrics and morphology of rice blue beetle (Leptispa pygmaea Baly) (Coleoptera: Chrysomrelidae) Journal of Biopesticides 5(1):202-204
- 2010 Karthikeyan, K Sosamma Jacob and Purushothaman. S.M. Incidence of insect pests and natural enemies under SRI method of rice cultivation Oryza 47 (2): 154-157.
- 2010 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Pseudomonas flourescens and Heterorhabditis indica Poinar for the management of major pests of rice . Journal of Biopesticides 3 (1): 96-99
- 2010 Karthikeyan, K., Sosamma Jacob., Pathummalbeevi.and Purushothaman. S.M . Evaluation of different IPM Modules for the management of major pests of rice (Oryza sativa) Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 80 (1): 59-62
- 2009 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. New alternative weed hosts and comparative biology of the rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly Oryza 46 (3): 260-262.
- 2009 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Population dynamics of rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Indian Journal of Entomology 71 (4): 296-298
- 2009 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Influence of crop establishment methods on the incidence of rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly Oryza 46 (1): 53-55.
- 2009 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Bioefficacy of white muscardine fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. and entomo pathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis indica (Poinar) against rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly Journal of Biolological Control 23 (1) : 79-81
- 2008 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Time of adult emergence and sex ratio of rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygamaea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and extent of damage caused to two rice varieties. Entomon. 33 (2): 101-105
- 2008 Purushothaman,S.M., Anitha, S, Beena, C., and Balachandran, P.V. Effect of various manurial application on the incidence of brown spot of Rice , The Andhra agricultural Journal 55 (3) : 413-414
- 2008 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Facundity and developmental stages of Rice Blue Beetle, (Leptispa pygmaea Baly) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) on rice varieties. Entomon 33 (1): 35-40
- 2008 Karthikeyan, K., Sosamma Jacob., Purushothaman. S.M..and Smitha Revi. 2008.Spinosad against major insect pests and natural enemies in rice ecosystem. Journal ofBiolological Control 22 ( 2 ) :315-320
- 2008 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Influence of spacing and non-edible oil cakes on the incidence of rice blue beetle (Leptispa pygmaea Baly) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 78 (12): 1095-1098
- 2008 Karthikeyan, K., Sosamma Jacob., Purushothaman. S.M..and Smitha Revi. 2008. Bioefficacy of Phosphamidon Granules in the Management of Major Rice Pests. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 36(1) P : 128-129
- 2008 Pavunraj, M., Ignacimuthu, S., Karthikeyan, K. and Purushothaman. S.M. Antifeedant Activity of Lippia javanica Against Asian Army worm, Spodoptera litura. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 36(1) P : 65-68
- 2008 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Granular Insecticides Against the Incidence of Rice Blue Beetle, Leptispa pygmaea Baly Indian Journal of Plant Protection 36(1) P : 85-88
- 2007 Karthikeyan, K and Sosamma Jacob. Performance of rice varieties against the rice blue beetle, Leptispa pygmaea (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera). Oryza 44 (4): 355-358.
- 2007 Karthikeyan. K., Sosamma Jacob, Purushothaman. S.M. and Smitha Revi. Efficacy of plant products and synthetic insecticides against rice blue beetle,Leptispa pygmaea Baly (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera).Indian Journal of Crop Science 2 (2) : 443-445
- 2007 Karthikeyan . K., Jacob.S and Purushothaman S.M..2007. Field Evaluation of egg parasitoids Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead and T. chilonis Ishii against rice stem borer and leaffolder. Journal of Biolological Control 21 ( 2 ) :261-265
- 2007 Purushothaman,S.M., Anitha, S, Sreenivasan and Karthikeyan, K . Management of antracnose in cowpea, Journal of Arid Legumes 4(1) P: 52-53
- 2007 S.M.PurushothamanS.M., Anitha, S, Sreenivasan and Karthikeyan, K . Management of root rot of cowpea and organic amendments, Journal of Arid Legumes 4(2) P: 82-84, 2007
- 2007 Karthikeyan K, Jacob, S and Purushothaman S.M. Effectiveness of cartap hydrochloride against rice stem borer and leaf folder and its safety to natural enemies. Journal of Biological Control. 21 (1) P: 145-148
- 2004 Samui R .P., Chattopadhay N., Sable J.P., Karthikeyan,K and Balachandran P: Weather based forewarning of gall midge attack on rice and operational crop protection using weather information at Pattambi, Kerala. Mausam 55 (2) P: 329-338
- 2003 Karthikeyan, K and Purushothaman S M: Efficacy of Curacron (Profenophos 50 % EC) against insect pests of Rice. Pestology 27 (1) P: 27-29
- 2000 Karthikeyan, K and Purushothaman S M: Efficacy of Carbosulfan against yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas Walker (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera): Indian Journal of Plant Protection 28(2) P: 212-214
- 1998 Karthikeyan, K, A V Rangarajan and Muthuswami M: Pests attacking neem trees, Azadirachta indicaA. Juss in Tamilnadu . South Indian Horticulture 46 (3&4) P: 236-239
- 1998 Karthikeyan, K, Rangarajan A V and M Muthuswami: Chemical control of mealy bug Pseudococcus gilbertensis Beardsley and Scale, Parlatoria orientalis Rao infesting neem tree.Pestology 12 (1) P: 22-25
- 1997 Karthikeyan, K, Rangarajan A V and Muthuswami M: New records of natural enemies on insect pests ofneem tree Azadirachtaindica A. Juss.– Journal of Biological Control 11 (1 & 2) P: 81-83
- 1997 Karthikeyan, K, Rangarajan A V and Muthuswami M: Control of mite, Calipitrimerus azadirachtae (Channabasavanna) on neem by stem implantation and soil application of insecticides . Pestology 21 (11) P: 5-8
- 1997 Karthikeyan K, Rangarajan A V and Muthuswami M: Efficacy of certain insecticides by stem implantation method against mirid bug, Helopeltis antonii on neem tree. Pestology 21 (10)P: 9
- 2002 Karthikeyan. K., Baby P Skaria and Nadarajan, L. 75 years of Research, RARS, Pattambi, KAU press, p 95-107
- 2008 Karthikeyan.K., Sosamma Jacob, Balachandran.P.V and Smitha Revi.2008. IPM in Rice . Malayalam. P 35
- 2008 Karthikeyan.K., Sosamma Jacob, Balachandran.P.V and Smitha Revi.2008. IPM in Rice .English. P 20
- 2013 Karthikeyan,K. Insect pests of tree borne oil seeds. 2013.Tree Borne Oilseeds (tbos) Production For Rainfed Agriculture (eds.) Tamilselvan,M., Kathirvelan,P and Arunachalam,P TNAU,Dry land Agricultural Station, Chettinad, Sivagangai District pp 400
- 1997 Karthikeyan.K, Rangarajan , A.V. and Muthuswami , M. New Records of natural enemies on insect pests of neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss . J . Biol .Control. 11 (1 & 2) P: 81-83 (by Dow Agro sciences, 4880, Bay Heron place,# 213, Tampa, Florida, 33616, USA )
- 1998 Karthikeyan .K., A.V. Rangarajan and Muthuswami, M. Pests attacking neem trees , Azadirachta induca A. juss in Tamilnadu. South Indian Hort. 46 (3&4) P :236-239 ( By Tabiat Modarres University , Dept. of Entomology, School of Agriculture, P.O.Box: 14115-336, Tehran, Iran)
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