Mrs. Roshni Vijayan

Assistant Professor
Email ID:
Address (Residence):
Education :
- Master of Professional Studies, Plant Breeding and Genetics Major,
Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Ithaca, NY, USA - Master of Science ( Agriculture), Plant Breeding and Genetics Major,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India - Bachelor of Science (Agriculture), Agriculture Major,
Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kerala, India
Research Experience :
- Master of Professional Studies, Ithaca, NY, USA :
- Thesis Topic : Analysis of Two Loci Putatively Conditioning effects on Flowering Time in Maize
- Master of Agriculture, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India :
- Thesis Topic : Studies on Hybrids and their parents for Drought Tolerance and Molecular Aspects in Maize (Zea mays.L)
Work Experience :
- Currently working as Assistant Professor (Plant Breeding and Genetics) at Regional Agricultural Research Station (Central Zone)-Pattambi Kerala Agricultural University.
- Worked as a Quality Control Officer (Technical ) for Food Corporation of India Regional Office Bangalore, a Central government PSU.
- Worked as a Vocational Instructor in Vocational Higher Secondary School, Chittur, Palakkad, Kerala.
- Working as a Senior Research Associate in Department of Rice, TNAU Coimbatore in IRRI GCP project of Developing Resilient and Productive Rice Varieties for Drought Prone Environments in India.
Projects Handling :
- AINP on Arid Legumes –ICAR
- Seed Production –Pulses
Awards/honors :
- Navajbai Ratan Tata fellowship for MPS in Plant Breeding and Genetics at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
- Best Youth Programme - Radio talk on “Biotechnology in Commercial Breeding Programme” on Primary channel 999 KHz at Coimbatore, All India Radio, Government of India
Seminars/Papers Presented :
- Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing in crop plants and its application in crop improvement at TamilNadu Agricultural University, 2007
- Genetic Mosaics in crop improvement at TamilNadu Agricultural University, 2008
- Poster presentation on Silenced Genes in crop Plants at International Conference on Genomic Sciences at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, 2010.
- Poster presentation and proceedings of the National Conference of Plant Physiology, held on 19-21, Dec 2019 – Amelioration of Salt Stress in Food Legumes
Research Publications :
- National/International Articles:
- Vijayan Roshni, A. Kalamani. 2014. Heterotic Analysis in Tolerant Maize Hybrids, Bioinfolet, 11(2a): 394-398
- Roshni Vijayan. 2016.Pokkali Rice Cultivation, Agriculture Update, 11(3): 96-103
- Vijayan Roshni, A. Kalamani. 2016. Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Maize Hybrids by Line X Tester, Journal of Progressive Agriculture, 7(2):74:81
- Roshni Vijayan. 2016.Pulses: In need of more attention, Asian Journal of Biosciences, 11(2).: 321-325
- Roshni Vijayan. 2016.Biotechnology and Information Technology in Agriculture, International Journal of Farm Sciences, 6(4): 152-156.
- Roshni Vijayan. 2016. Eco Farming: Relevance and Rewards, International Journal of Farm Sciences, 6(4):67-72.
- Roshni Vijayan. 2016. Dryland Agriculture in India- Problems & Solutions, Asian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 11(2): 171-177.
- Vijayan Roshni, A. Kalamani . 2016.General Combining Ability of Drought Tolerant Maize Hybrids, The Bioscan, 11(3):1899-1905.
- Vijayan Roshni. 2016. SNP Genotyping for Flowering Time QTL In NILs of Maize, The Bioscan, 11(3):3055-3059.
- Vijayan Roshni, A. Kalamani. 2017. Impact of Drought Stress on Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Maize Cultivars, International Journal of Plant Sciences, 12(1):50-55.
- D. Shoba, Roshni Vijayan, S. Robin, N. Manivannan, K.Iyanar, P. Arunachalam, N. Nadarajan, M.Arumugam Pillai and S. Geetha. 2019. Assessment of genetic diversity in aromatic rice ( Oryza sativa L.) germplasm using PCA and cluster analysis. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 10 (3): 1095 – 1104.
- Popular Science Articles :
- Roshni Vijayan. Oct 2011. Agriculture from a Different Perspective, Kisan World.
- Roshni Vijayan. Aug 2017. Sh….hhhhh Genes are made Silent. Silenced Genes in Agriculture, Science Reoprter.
- Roshni Vijayan. Jan-Feb 2017. Curry Leaves, Scientific India.
- Chapters in Text Books :
- Roshni Vijayan, Shabir H Wani (2017) Proteomics Approaches for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants, In CP Malik et al., (Eds.) Quality and Quantum Improvement in Field Crops, Agrobios, India.Pp.299-311.
- Jyoti Upadhyay, Rohit Joshi, Balwant Singh, Abhishek Bohra, Roshni Vijayan, Manoj Bhatt, Sat Pal Singh Bisht & Shabir H.Wani (2017) Application of Bioinformatics in Understanding of Plant Stress Tolerance, In KR Hakeem et al (Eds.) Plant Bioinformatics: Decoding the Phyta. Springer International Publishing AG.2017 Pp. 347-374
- Shoba, D., M.Arumugam Pillai, Roshni Vijayan. (2019). Genetic Diversity on Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). In P .C Trivedi (Ed) Harnessing Plant Biotechnology and Physiology to stimulate Agricultural Growth. Agribios (India) pp. 207-232 ISBN No: 978-81-939255-4-6
- Edited Books :
- Genetics and Breeding of Pulse Crops.2018. Vijayan, R. et al (Eds.). Kalyani Publishers. India. ISBN No: 978-93-272-8487-4
KAU Main Websites
Regional Agricultural Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Melepattambi P.O
Palakkad Kerala 679306