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Institute of Agricultural Technology (IAT)

Academic Institution and Programmes at a glance

       The institute offers two year course on Diploma in Agricultural Sciences and the  Diploma is awarded by the Kerala Agricultural University to the successful candidates. The diploma programme is governed by the academic regulations (Kerala Agricultural University Diploma Regulations 2012).

      Semester system with Course-credit pattern is followed for the academic programme.  The minimum prescribed duration of the course is four semesters (two academic years). Upon admission, each diploma student is attached to an ‘Advisor’, a faculty nominated by the Head of Institution, who guides the students in all academic matters throughout the course period.


Facilities in the Institute

1. Academic Cell to look after academic matters including correspondence, course registration, result declaration etc of the academic programme.
2. Instructional Farm with  well laid out plots
3. Well equipped Soil science, Plant Pathology, Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant breeding laboratories and Engineering workshop
4. Production unit for Bio-control agents
5. Tissue culture production unit
6. Organic manure production unit
7. Commercial planting material production unit with shade houses and poly houses
8. Large scale rice seed processing unit
9. Rice mobile clinic with Multi Disciplinary Dignostic Team
10. Dairy unit
11. Meteorological observatory
12. Sales counter
13. Crop Museum
14. Rice Museum
15. Library
16. Student Hostels
17. Staff quarters
18. Facilities for sports & games